As a multi-brand retailer, you know you only have a small window of opportunity to bring a product to market. Four times a year—or more, if you include major holidays—you bring in collections that include countless products. To maximize profit margins, these products must be sourced, ordered, distributed, and ultimately sold to your end customers, whether in-store or online, within that narrow time frame.
If you miss that window of opportunity due to incorrect or incomplete product data, you’ll be forced to sell those products at a discount or you’ll simply lose those sales opportunities—and potentially customers.
The challenge
After you’ve selected which products you want, getting those products to market all comes down to making sure you have accurate and complete product data. You need detailed, precise, and up-to-date product information for logistical purposes and for populating your e-commerce websites and e-marketplaces.
Unfortunately, brand and vendor data in your internal systems is often fragmented. It needs to be supplemented or updated according to a strict set of requirements. But gathering that information from hundreds of different suppliers, accurately and on time, is an enormous task that isn’t always successful. The result can be costly for your company: order fulfillment errors can lead to missed delivery deadlines, quality issues, and discounted goods. What’s more, in today’s competitive retail environment, consumers have little patience for fulfillment mistakes and are quick to switch to a more reliable retailer if they’re not 100% satisfied with their customer experience.
The solution: InterTrade’s UPC Match solution
InterTrade’s UPC Match solution automates the data-sharing process, making it easier for brands and vendors to share their product data with you, the retailer. Retail staff simply trigger a search for product data and the requested information is located immediately. If information is missing or incorrect, the responsible brand or vendor is notified immediately and instructed on how to rectify the situation without having to involve your staff. Once the information has been updated by the supplier, your team is notified and can automatically retrieve the desired data.
The benefits
InterTrade’s UPC Match service is a great way to streamline your go-to-market process so that you can deliver a better customer experience across all channels.
First, it frees up your staff from having to manually match product information so that they can focus on other tasks. Cutting down on manual labor, reduces human errors and ensures you’re relying on more accurate product information. If there is a non-compliance or mistake, the issue can easily be rectified, with little to no manual intervention, before the “bad” data enters your internal systems. This benefit is doubled if you pair UPC Match with InterTrade’s Product Catalogue, which runs compliance checks based on your company standards.
What’s more, InterTrade’s UPC Match service allows you to inform vendors of any issues with their data before they incur chargebacks or penalties. This timely and effective communication makes for better, more collaborative business relationships.
Don’t miss that small window of opportunity!
Contact InterTrade today to book a demo. Find out how InterTrade’s Product Catalogue with UPC Match can ensure you get a leg up on the competition and never miss a sales opportunity due to incorrect or incomplete product data.