Longueuil, Quebec - InterTrade Systems, a leading provider of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) VAN and other B2B Supply Chain solutions, is pleased to announce that its contract agreement with Groupe d’approvisionnement en commun de l’Est du Québec (GACEQ), has been extended for a period of 5 years. InterTrade will continue to be the exclusive EDI VAN provider and electronic commerce integrator between the Quebec healthcare institutions buying groups and all of their suppliers.
Since 2010, Quebec’s healthcare institutions have been using the services of InterTrade to produce and exchange 5 business documents with their suppliers to improve their procurement processes. Among these business documents are the 850 -Purchase Order, 855 – PO Acknowledgement, 810 – Invoice, 832 – Price/Sales Catalog, and 856 – Advance Ship Notice. Some of the advantages experienced by both the health institutions and suppliers are a) reduced/elimination of manual data input errors, b) integration of information directly to the business’ ERP, c) faster cycle times, and d) less disputed invoices.
Quote from MSSS
Quote from supplier
Quote from InterTrade
As of today, 57 health institutions (including Hospitals, CIUSSS and buying groups) and 49 suppliers are already using this e-commerce program with very good success and seeing tangible economic and operational benefits. (revise these numbers at the time of publication) The GACEQ is adding additional transactions to further benefit from the integration with its suppliers. The contract extension will allow more vendors as well as other trading partners to get involved in the Quebec Healthcare Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) initiative to further enhance the mutual benefits.